What’s xinput ? Features System Requirements How to Install Xinput Existing Solutions and xinput Table of implementation uses of xinput competition Strengths & Future inscript keyboard layout phonetic keyboard layout License agreement downloads FAQ Screenshots
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Welcome to aspitech solutions. Xinput is a standards-based
software tool that facilitates inputting content in Indian languages. While enabled,
Features : All Input is based on Unicode
Which is natively supported by all latest Unix On-the-fly conversion of ASCII
text written in ITRANS (or any supported input scheme) Multilingual Support. Support for multiple keyboard layout (phonetic, inscript, itrans etc) Not Application Specific i.e
Xinput works at System Level uses X protocol to communicate with
1) KDE >=3.2.1 or GNOME >=2.8 is recommended 2) Qt 3.3.1 or greater is must. 3) 1.4 MB Disk Space if the above conditions are not satisfied by your system then rpm will not get installed on your machine. How to Install Xinput on your machine 1.
Login as root linux# rpm ivh xinput-5.0.i386.rpm thats it. Now you can run xinput by just typing xinput on terminal. How to uninstall Xinput from your machine 1.
Login as root linux# rpm e xinput-5.0.i386.rpm it will successfully get uninstalled from your machine. Comparisons with existing solutions Presently All Linux
distribution natively supports inscript keyboard layout for Compared to these existing
solution xinput is highly flexible and customizable There is no support for
itrans input today. But xinput is the only solution for itrans.